Interview with Antonio Boccia

August 22, 2023
Yasmina Ibsen

Antonio is our Senior Application Scientist and a definitive Studylog expert.

Where did you grow up? Where did you go to school?  

I grew up in San Diego. I stayed in San Diego and went to San Diego State University    

What sparked your interest in science?  

I've always been fascinated with animals and physiology. I grew up watching and enjoying "Nature" in the 80's on PBS with my family. I read through many of the Biology books my older sister had when she was in University and knew science was something I wanted to devote my career to.

Did you have any specific role models? If so, who were they?

I have met and learned so much from so many people. It's very difficult to point to just one person. I can say that I am most influenced by people who constructively challenge me to be a better person and colleague.

What would you say to a young person considering a career working in science?  

Work hard and never give up accomplishing your dreams. Learn to use the advice of subject matter experts and always look to improve outdated methods.

What is important to you personally? I.e.what things do you value most in life?

I value respect, love and laughter.

What are some of the challenges you have faced either in your career or personally that you feel have helped you become the successful person you are?  

I think accepting and working hard to find solutions to overcome the various financial, mental, and logistic challenges in my career has helped make me become a successful person.

What do you enjoy about being part of the Studylog team?

Working with fun and intelligent people who share the same common goal: Do whatever is in their power to help scientists get their in-vivo job done easier and more efficiently.

What is your favorite Studylog feature?

My favorite Studylog feature is the data output into GraphPad Prism. Without question, it has been the most useful and powerful feature I've used in over 10 years with the software.

What do you do for fun?

I have WAY too many hobbies, but some of my favorite things to do are: watching and playing football (soccer), building watches, working on my cars, spending time with my family and watching us grow, cooking and creating in the kitchen.